Altar Servers
A long standing ministry within the Catholic Church, young parishioners may receive training and formation to function as Altar Servers for both the parish and for the school. Children learn the functions and movements of the Mass as well as become familiar with the Liturgical year and Holy Days.
Duties entail serving weekend Masses, funerals, weddings, special Holy Day Masses and Liturgies, and, for OLS students, serving school Mass and school Adoration services.
Meetings and trainings are held monthly and new servers may join at any time.
- Must have already received First Communion
- Must be in 5th grade or higher
- Attend all mandatory meetings
For more information please contact:
Scott Henry, Parish Altar Server Coordinator: (956)457-7280, [email protected]
Hugo De La Rosa, OLS School Altar Server Coordinator: (956)457-4677, [email protected]
Duties entail serving weekend Masses, funerals, weddings, special Holy Day Masses and Liturgies, and, for OLS students, serving school Mass and school Adoration services.
Meetings and trainings are held monthly and new servers may join at any time.
- Must have already received First Communion
- Must be in 5th grade or higher
- Attend all mandatory meetings
For more information please contact:
Scott Henry, Parish Altar Server Coordinator: (956)457-7280, [email protected]
Hugo De La Rosa, OLS School Altar Server Coordinator: (956)457-4677, [email protected]
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